What does this script do?
This script searches the content you pass it, usually the content of a post, and searches for special BBCode hard coded into it. When it finds something it determines which class to use and makes a call to that classes' parse function. The class will then search Wowhead via numerous methods (using Wowhead's search, XML feeds, etc.) and attempt to get the necessary information it needs to generate a link which will then get sent back to parse.php, which then replaces the BBCode with the formatted link from the class. All entries are saved into a MySQL database to prevent excessive queries to Wowhead.
What does this script support?
Currently, the script supports:Basically, if Wowhead has a tooltip for it, this script will parse it.
- Achievements
- Armory Characters via WoW's Armory
- Craftables (Tailoring, Leatherworking, etc.)
- Enchants (Similar to the craftables)
- Factions (Still hit or miss)
- Guilds via WoW's Armory
- Items
- Item Icons
- Item Sets
- NPC's
- Profiles via Wowhead's Profiler
- Quests
- Spells
- Zones
Is this script free?
Yes, always has and always will be. Although, I am always accepting donations or you can click the advertisements to the left.
What license is the code released under?
This software is provided under the GNU General Public License v3. A copy of the license is provided in the zip file of the script, but you can read it for yourself here.
Here's the main freedoms this license allows:For more information see the terms of use.
- the freedom to use the software for any purpose,
- the freedom to change the software to suit your needs,
- the freedom to share the software with your friends and neighbors, and
- the freedom to share the changes you make.
If you have any questions about this license please contact me.
How can I report bugs or request features?
You can submit a bug reports or requests by visiting the support forums or by contacting me.
Installation Requirements
Your server must be running the following in order for this script to work.
- Apache based Web Server. I'm certain that it will run on others, Microsoft IIS for example, but I have no way of testing as such. As long as PHP/MySQL run then you should be fine.
- PHP version 5.x. Version 4.x is no longer supported as of script version 3.4.2.
- MySQL version 4.x.
- The website the script is installed on must be encoded with UTF-8, otherwise data may be messed up.
- One of the supported platforms.
- Just because the script isn't supported doesn't mean it won't run. If you create an implementation please e-mail me the instructions and I'll add it.
Testing Environment
Below is the environment I use to develop and test the script. This is for example purposes only.
- Operating System: Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" 2.6.31-14-generic
- Web Server:
- Apache 2.2.12 via XAMPP For Linux
- PHP 5.3.0 + PEAR
- MySQL 5.1.37
- phpMyAdmin
- Platform: phpBB 3.0.5
- Developed using Aptana Studio Build
- Tested on Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome Web Browsers
- Internet Explorer isn't installed on Linux, of course.
Supported Platforms
- Board3 (Requires phpBB3)
- EQDKP 1.3.x
- Joomla! v1.5.x
- PHP-Fusion v7
- PHP-Nuke v8.x
- phpBB v2.x and 3.x
- phpBB3 Portal (Requires phpBB3)
- SMF v1.x
- vBulletin
- Wordpress
- WikkaWiki
- For implementation requests e-mail me. The software must be free!
Achievement Usage
Achievement Usage: [achievement {parameters}]{name or id}[/achievement]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
Armory Usage
Armory Usage: [armory {parameters}]{name}[/armory]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a realm/region use loc="{region},{realm}".
- us for US region.
- eu for European region.
- To disable all icons use noicons.
- To disable class icon use noclass.
- To disable race icon use norace.
- To display a gear list use gearlist.
Craftable Usage
Craftable Usage: [craft {parameters}]{name or id}[/craft]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
- Specifying nomats will not show the mats involved making the item.
Enchant Usage
Faction Usage: [enchant {parameters}]{name or id}[/enchant]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
Faction Usage
Faction Usage: [faction {parameters}]{name or id}[/faction]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
Guild Usage
Guild Usage: [guild {parameters}]{name}[/guild]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a realm/region use loc="{region},{realm}".
- us for US region.
- eu for European region.
Item Icon Usage
Item Icon Usage: [itemico {parameters}]{name or id}[/itemico]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
- To specify an icon size use size via size=(small|medium|large). Medium is default.
Item Usage
Item Usage: [item {parameters}]{name or id}[/item]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
- To specify an enchant use enchant="{enchant_id}".
- To specify gems use gems="{gem1id},{gem2id},{gem3id}".
- To display a small icon just before the item's name use icon.
Itemset Usage
Itemset Usage: [itemset {parameters}]{name or id}[/itemset]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
NPC Usage
NPC Usage: [npc {parameters}]{name}[/npc]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
- To display a map location of the npc use the map="{location}:{x},{y}"
- {location} is the name or ID of the zone
- {x} is the x-coordinate
- {y} is the y-coordinate
Object Usage
Object Usage: [object {parameters}]{name or id}[/object]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
Profiler Usage
Profiler Usage: [profile {parameters}]{name}[/profile]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a realm/region use loc="{region},{realm}".
- us for US region.
- eu for European region.
Quest Usage
Quest Usage: [quest {parameters}]{name or id}[/quest]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
Recruit Usage
Recruit Usage: [recruit {parameters}]{name}[/recruit]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a realm/region use loc="{region},{realm}".
- us for US region.
- eu for European region.
Spell Usage
Spell Usage: [spell {parameters}]{name or id}[/spell]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
- To specify a rank use rank via rank={#}.
Zone Usage
Zone Usage: [zone {parameters}]{name or id}[/zone]
Supported Parameters: (optional)
- To specify a language use lang via lang={lang}.
- en for English.
- es for Spanish.
- fr for French.
- de for German.
- ru for Russian.
- To add pins use pins="{x},{y}"
- {x} is the x-coordinate
- {y} is the y-coordinate
- You can add multiple pins by separating them with a pipe "|".
Other Questions
How can I report a bug?
One of two ways:
- Use the support forums (preferred, so I can keep track).
- E-Mail Me
How can I help?
I am always looking for people to test the script extensively on different platforms to make sure that it produces the desired results quickly and consistently. You can also help by testing the bugs that users post on the support forums and get back to me on your results.
I also am always accepting donations to help pay for the piece of internet this script sits on.
How do I add my site to the site database?
It is simple. Shoot an e-mail to [email protected] using the format listed below and it will automatically add your site to the database. It will not allow duplicate websites or names, so make sure you only send one e-mail. You will receive a response via the e-mail address you sent the original message from telling you whether it succeeded or not. If it fails and you're certain the syntax is correct then e-mail me and I'll take a look.
Correct Syntax:
Name: <Guild Name>
URL: <Your Guild's Website URL>
Region: <Your Guild's Region>
Realm: <Your Guild's Realm>
Faction: <Alliance or Horde>
So for example, my guild Twisted would be:
Name: Twisted
URL: http://www.twistedguild.info
Region: US
Realm: Bleeding Hollow
Faction: Alliance
If you prefer, you can go here and add your site using the web form.
I would like to point out that your site doesn't necessarily need to be for a Guild. If you use this script on your personal site then I invite you to add your site as well. Just use your website's name as the name.