Update: January 8th, 2010
  1. Because you will be editing core files of your EQDKP installation it is recommended that you backup the files before proceeding.
  2. Download the latest version here.
  3. Unzip the contents and edit config.php to your liking.
    • Make sure to properly edit the MySQL settings so that the script can successfully connect to its database.
  4. Upload the contents of the wowhead folder to the base directory of your EQDKP installation.
  5. Upload wowhead.css and armory.css inside the wowhead folder.
    • This will make adding the info at the header of the page easier later.
  6. Open ./common.php located relative to your EQDKP installation.
    • Find:
      include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/functions.php');
      include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/dbal.php');
      include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/eqdkp.php');
      include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/session.php');
      include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/class_template.php');
      include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/eqdkp_plugins.php');			
      Immediately after add:
      // Wowhead Tooltips (http://www.wowhead-tooltips.com)
      include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'wowhead/parse.php');
    • Save and reupload to your website, making sure to overwrite it.
  7. Open ./viewraid.php located relative to your EQDKP installation.
    • Find: (around line 140, part of the $tpl->assign_block_vars function)
      'NAME' => $item['item_name'],
      Replace with:
      'NAME' => whp_parse('[item]' . stripslashes($item['item_name'] . '[/item]')),
    • Save and reupload to your website, making sure to overwrite it.
  8. Open ./listitems.php located relative to your EQDKP installation.
    • Find: (around line 108, part of the $tpl->assign_block_vars function)
      'NAME' => $item['item_name'],
      Replace with:
      'NAME' => whp_parse('[item]' . stripslashes($item['item_name'] . '[/item]')),
  9. Open ./viewitem.php located relative to your EQDKP installation.
    • Find:
      'L_PURCHASE_HISTORY_FOR' => sprintf($user->lang['purchase_history_for'], stripslashes($item_name)),
      Replace with:
      'L_PURCHASE_HISTORY_FOR' => sprintf($user->lang['purchase_history_for'], whp_parse('[item]' . stripslashes($item_name) . '[/item]')),
    • Save and reupload to your website, making sure to overwrite it.
  10. Finally, open ./templates/<theme>/page_header.html, where <theme> is the name of your theme.
    • Somewhere inside the <head></head> tags (I recommend just after the title) add the following.
      <link href="./wowhead/wowhead.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
      <script src="http://www.wowhead.com/widgets/power.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <link href="./wowhead/armory.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
      <script src="./wowhead/js/armory.js.php" type="text/javascript"></script>
    • Save and reupload to your website, making sure to overwrite it.
    • Delete the contents of the ./templates/cache folder.

Many thanks to bluwolfee for the original instructions write up, which I tweaked a little bit.