Update: January 8th, 2010
- Because you will be editing core files of your EQDKP installation it is recommended that you backup the files before proceeding.
- Download the latest version here.
- Unzip the contents and edit config.php to your liking.
- Make sure to properly edit the MySQL settings so that the script can successfully connect to its database.
- Upload the contents of the wowhead folder to the base directory of your EQDKP installation.
- Upload wowhead.css and armory.css inside the wowhead folder.
- This will make adding the info at the header of the page easier later.
- Open ./common.php located relative to your EQDKP installation.
- Find:
include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/functions.php'); include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/dbal.php'); include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/eqdkp.php'); include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/session.php'); include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/class_template.php'); include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'includes/eqdkp_plugins.php');
Immediately after add:// Wowhead Tooltips (http://www.wowhead-tooltips.com) include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'wowhead/parse.php');
- Save and reupload to your website, making sure to overwrite it.
- Find:
- Open ./viewraid.php located relative to your EQDKP installation.
- Find: (around line 140, part of the $tpl->assign_block_vars function)
'NAME' => $item['item_name'],
Replace with:'NAME' => whp_parse('[item]' . stripslashes($item['item_name'] . '[/item]')),
- Save and reupload to your website, making sure to overwrite it.
- Find: (around line 140, part of the $tpl->assign_block_vars function)
- Open ./listitems.php located relative to your EQDKP installation.
- Find: (around line 108, part of the $tpl->assign_block_vars function)
'NAME' => $item['item_name'],
Replace with:'NAME' => whp_parse('[item]' . stripslashes($item['item_name'] . '[/item]')),
- Find: (around line 108, part of the $tpl->assign_block_vars function)
- Open ./viewitem.php located relative to your EQDKP installation.
- Find:
'L_PURCHASE_HISTORY_FOR' => sprintf($user->lang['purchase_history_for'], stripslashes($item_name)),
Replace with:'L_PURCHASE_HISTORY_FOR' => sprintf($user->lang['purchase_history_for'], whp_parse('[item]' . stripslashes($item_name) . '[/item]')),
- Save and reupload to your website, making sure to overwrite it.
- Find:
- Finally, open ./templates/<theme>/page_header.html, where <theme> is the name of your theme.
- Somewhere inside the <head></head> tags (I recommend just after the title) add the following.
<link href="./wowhead/wowhead.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="http://www.wowhead.com/widgets/power.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="./wowhead/armory.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="./wowhead/js/armory.js.php" type="text/javascript"></script>
- Save and reupload to your website, making sure to overwrite it.
- Delete the contents of the ./templates/cache folder.
- Somewhere inside the <head></head> tags (I recommend just after the title) add the following.
Many thanks to bluwolfee for the original instructions write up, which I tweaked a little bit.